Hi and welcome to my blog. I hope you like my new look, I needed a change from black. Here you can share my miniature endeavours, perhaps be inspired by some of my photographs taken in France and of 'real world' treasures that can be made in miniature. My love of parterre-style gardens and study of horticulture made my decision for the theme of my little shop an easy one. I just hope I can successfully interpret my ideas in 1/12th scale!

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Well, not exactly, I thought I would try some furniture in my little house I am building. It is the Orchid kit by Greenleaf. I loved Flora's lacasadellebambolediflora.blogspot.com and Kim's kimsminiatures.blogspot.com so much I had to buy one. This is my very first experience in building a house from a kt and I must admit, without the help of my cleverer half Brad here and there, it probably would not have gone together so neatly! There have been a few hitches and it is nowhere near finished but I hope to get back to working on it again soon.

Meanwhile I thought I would try some of the furniture I was trying to finish for the Sydney Miniatures Fair, some of it still not glued together fully but hardly noticeable for the pics. I will show pics of the house when I get back to working on it too. Not sure what style I am after but old, shabby chic appeals. I am thinking I will have to make windows but need one of those Easy Cutters, not sure what brand is the best, any suggestions welcome. I cannot cut a straight line with a saw so it would have to be an improvement. And not sure whether to go with the attic windows that come with the kit, or all of the trim. Lots of decisions, but for my first house it is probably advisable to go with the supplied fittings. I was also trying to get the house ready for the Fair but greatly underestimated the work involved! I really got hooked on it though and found it hard to stop. Somehow I don't think this will be the last kit, or house I build.

Thank you all who commented on the loss of our pets, it is still really hard not having them around but getting easier.
Welcome to all new followers, I enjoy visiting all your blogs too when time allows, your creativity is so inspiring.

A bientot!