Mathilde has been scouring auctions and markets for suitably 'shabby' furniture to decorate the Petit Parterre and this is her latest acquisition. It looks like it has a few more years left in it and I think it will be great for displaying small plants and pots etc.
This is my first piece of furniture built from cardboard, inspired by Kris's blog, one inch minis . I had fun making it and will try something different next time.The legs are cut from some turnings I bought at the Sydney Miniatures Fair in May this year, I knew they would come in handy. Lots of glue, some metalic paper trim, paint and voila! It has its little faults but nothing too noticeable, it is meant to look old after all.
Welcome to all new followers and visitors I will be catching up with what you are all doing, I can spend so much time browsing blogs I really have to limit myself.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, the weather here in New South Wales has been absolutely perfect the last few days, the start of spring.
A bientot!
KT Miniatures Closing Very Soon!
1 day ago