Hi and welcome to my blog. I hope you like my new look, I needed a change from black. Here you can share my miniature endeavours, perhaps be inspired by some of my photographs taken in France and of 'real world' treasures that can be made in miniature. My love of parterre-style gardens and study of horticulture made my decision for the theme of my little shop an easy one. I just hope I can successfully interpret my ideas in 1/12th scale!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Waiting for the Fair

I'm sorry for being a little slow in saying hello to four newcomers, Carmen, Ana Rosa, Marleen and Mar. It's good to have you here and I'd love to hear your comments from time to time.

There's not too much happening at present. I'm fairly new to miniature making and just trying out different things to see what I most enjoy. At the moment I think it's creating the dolls house – I just love the look of them and I think they are a fabulous decorating item.

We have a big miniatures fair coming up at the beginning of May in Sydney and a few of us are meeting up there. Hopefully I can save my pennies to enable me to buy a few mini treasures for my shop, or for use in the future. I'm hoping I can take a few shots of the fair for everyone to enjoy.

As I don't have any miniature projects to show right now, I thought you might like these. I love antiques and wish I could create this look with my miniatures one day. First is an antique Dutch vitrine, then a French vitrine and a Sevres box. Aren't they to die for?


  1. I especially love the box, the decoration is exquisite.

    I'm on countdown for the Sydney fair as well!

  2. Hello Margaret

    Thank you for your welcome and kind comments on my photoalbum. You shop and miniatures are wonderful I love the look of the shop.

    About your question about the photoalbums, these be made almost two years ago, and yes I be thinking about limited editions even empty ones who can be filled by the owner. For now I'm working on my examples. When they be finished I will let you know.

    Have a wonderful and creative day,


  3. Those are gorgeous, I agree that they would make fabulous miniatures!!

  4. Very nice....i love it!

    There's an award for you on my blog;


  5. Son una preciosidad!!!!
    Espero que lo pases genial en la feria y puedas comprar muchas cositas.
    besitos ascension
    No olvides subir fotos!!!

  6. Margaret, do you know about this Fair that's on at Campbelltown this coming weekend??? I didn't until I got an email update from Fairy Meadow Miniatures who will be attending.

    Title: Macarthurs Annual Doll, Bear & Creative Fair
    Venue: Cambelltown RSL Carberry Lane, CAMPBELLTOWN, NSW
    Number of days: 1
    Beginning: Sunday, 28 March 2010
    Ending: Sunday, 28 March 2010
    Start Time: 9:30AM
    Finish Time: 4:00PM
    Bookings: Not Required


Thanks for visiting, I would love to hear what you think ...