Hi and welcome to my blog. I hope you like my new look, I needed a change from black. Here you can share my miniature endeavours, perhaps be inspired by some of my photographs taken in France and of 'real world' treasures that can be made in miniature. My love of parterre-style gardens and study of horticulture made my decision for the theme of my little shop an easy one. I just hope I can successfully interpret my ideas in 1/12th scale!

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Hamptons sofa

Just a quick post, thought you might like to see my latest sofa listed on etsy. I love this sofa, or daybed, and this particular one really reminds of 'the Hamptons' style. The kit is no longer being made so I must remember to keep one for myself. I would love one in real life but for now I am happy with the mini version. The little chair is also made from a limited-edition kit and I have two which I will be listing tomorrow, they go beautifully with the sofa.
Hope you are all having a great week.
A bientot!


  1. Pretty set!:) I like the sofa and the chair.:) Beautiful work Margaret!

  2. Margaret, it's a beautiful sofa and everything is beautifully coordinated! I have always loved blue and peach!

  3. Margaret, sorry, although I do love the peach and blue combination, after reading your description on Etsy, I realized that it's not pink but peach. To my eyes, it just appears peach. Well, I also love the pink and blue combination. (smiling) Beautiful work!

  4. The good thing about minis is that we here have a great opportunity to get the furniture we would have liked in 1-1. Dollhouses, etc. take up a lot, but not nearly as much as in real life.
    Very beautiful sofa. Very cozy and atmospheric scene.

  5. Gorgeous Margaret - you really are on a roll!


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